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small pleasures

Great flavour​​​​​​​​​​​​

Satisfaction guaranteed

Despite having more than 135 outlets in 16 countries - Spain (109 outlets), Chile, China (Shenzhen), Czech Republic, France, Luxembourg, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal, Turkey and most recently, Singapore, Llao Llao continues to expand at a steady rate.

Promotion techniques


They believe in passing out samples of its products. According to David Lopez Garcia, area international director for the company, “The best advertising is not what I’m saying,” he said, “but what they’re tasting.”



 An affordable product - For 100 grams and cost is around 2 euros, or about $2.60, in Spain

Franchise & business model


The franchise fee is 9,000 euros, with a 6 percent royalty fee. The royalty outside of Spain includes 1 percent for advertising. It’s 5 percent in Spain, in Spain they are more known, and don’t need an ad fee

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